After having breakfast at the hotel in the morning, we go to Harran, where the world's first known Islamic University is located. In Harran, which is protected by the Conical Domed Harran Houses, which are found in only three regions in the world; After seeing the Ulucami ruins, the Mound, the city walls, the castle, and one of the most beautiful traditional Harran houses, we go to Göbeklitepe Mound, located near Şanlıurfa's Örencik village, which hosts the first temples in the history of civilization and is on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. The temples, which reflect the belief world of prehistoric people and are enriched with animist figures, have made Göbeklitepe one of the most important discoveries in the history of archaeology. Göbeklitepe, the first temple built during the time of hunter and gatherer human societies, which were far away from the concepts of settlement and agriculture, before the transition to city life, is shown as the "greatest archaeological discovery" of recent years. The temple, which is still unanswered as to how it was designed approximately 12 thousand years ago, attracts all attention with the fact that it was built approximately 7,500 years before the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge in England. Afterwards, we move to Şanlıurfa. We get information about Balıklı Lake and Aynzeliha Lake, the cave where Prophet Abraham was born, visit the Dervish Lodge, Halil-ür Rahman Mosque and give free time for Şanlıurfa Bazaar. Then, we check into our hotel in Şanlıurfa for accommodation. Afterwards, we attend the Sıra Night with dinner at the Local Restaurant.
Breakfast: At the hotel
Lunch: Extra
Dinner: Local Restaurant Sıra Night